What's in a commercial fishermen's first aid kit?

Fishermen Lead Injury Prevention Program (FLIPP) factsheet on what to include in a fisherman's first aid kit, plus flashcards with more details on the supplies to include.

Authors: Kincl, Laurel; Hildenbrand, Kaety; Jacobson, Kaety

What Happens if Prey Moves Away? The Story of a Movable Feast (HMSC Sea Lion Exhibit)

This public exhibit is about the projected shift in temperature that could be associated with significant movements in the small fishes that make up much of the diet of California sea lions. If they prey moves, perhaps the sea lions will move as well, or perhaps they will change their diets to include other prey.

Authors: Torres, Leigh; Brodeur, Rick; Barcelo, Caren 

Warrenton Shop at the Dock and Beyond

Map highlighting locations where the public can buy fresh local seafood on the Oregon coast.

Authors: Gladics, Amanda

"Don't Let it Loose": Red Eared Slider

Educational poster on the invasive red-eared slider turtle. The spread of these turtles is often traced to pet owners who release them into wild habitats when they no longer want to care for them. The poster is on display at Hatfield Marine Science Center Visitors Center is Newport, Oregon.

Authors: Martin, Kayla; Siemens, Tania; Chan, Sam

Don't Let it Loose: Common Carp Koi

Educational poster of invasive Koi fish. The spread of these fish is often traced to pet owners who release them into wild habitats when they no longer want to care for them. The poster is on display at Hatfield Marine Science Center Visitor Center is Newport, Oregon.

Authors: Martin, Kayla; Siemens, Tania; Chan, Sam

Wave Energy Testing at Oregon State University [Exhibit]

This banner on display at the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Visitor Center describes the various methods of testing wave energy devices currently in use at several different facilities operated by Oregon State University, including the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, the Wallace Energy Systems and Renewables Facility, the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory, the Ocean Test Berth Site in Newport, and the Pacific Marine Energy Center.

Non-Native Fish Show Up On West Coast

Non-Native Fish Show Up On West Coast

Striped Beakfish (Oplegnathus Fasciatus)

Also called the Striped Knifejaw, Barred Knifejaw, Rock Bream, Ishidai

After the 2011 Japanese tsunami, people in Oregon, Washington and California reported the following sightings of the beakfish, which is native to the ocean off East Asia and Hawaii and had never before been documented in waters along the West Coast.

The fish looks harmless as a small juvenile with its seven black vertical bands that camouflage it in kelp.

Aquatic Invasive Species Watch

Aquatic Invasive Species Watch

The Japanese dock that washed ashore at Agate Beach in 2012 was covered with more than 125 species of plants and animals. These are some of the invasive species found on it.

From River to Retail: A Fish's Journey

From River to Retail: A Fish's Journey

Ever wonder where the fish in your freshwater home aquarium came from? At one point, they may have been swimming in Brazil's Rio Negro, the largest tributary of the Amazon River. The Rio Negro is home to more than 800 different kinds of fish, including tetras, discuses, angelfish and cichlids. It's also the source of an important sustainable aquarium fishery.
