Assessing the Impact of Fishery Bait on Spatiotemporal Variation in the Feeding Ecology of Dungeness Crab

Assessing the Impact of Fishery Bait on Spatiotemporal Variation in the Feeding Ecology of Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) Using Stable Isotopes, Gut Content Analysis & Fishermen Interviews

Insights into centennial-scale salt marsh morphodynamics from the Oregon coast

Quantification and comparison of morphological changes over the last ~300 y in Oregon salt marshes provide valuable insights into the tectonic, hydroclimatic, and anthropogenic processes shaping this important intertidal zone. Understanding of the rates and drivers of salt marsh change contextualizes intertidal habitats within the sediment routing system (i.e., source to sink); informs models of local and global biogeochemical cycles, important for global climate predictions; and guides ecosystem service protection and restoration efforts.

Fisheries Connectivity Networks to Measure the Adaptive Capacity of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Small-scale fisheries around the world are increasingly facing pressures from a range of environmental, economic, and social sources. In order to sustain the societal benefits of small-scale fisheries, it is imperative to understand how fishing

Change in Oregon’s Nearshore Groundfish Trawl Fishery

Change in Oregon’s Nearshore Groundfish Trawl Fishery: Perspectives from Science and Industry Data

Connection to Community and Environment

Connection to Community and Environment: How Work in the Seafood Processing Industry in Coos County, Oregon Creates a Sense of Place 

Comparison of Olympia oyster habitat restoration methods in Yaquina Bay, OR

To determine the efficacy of different methods of oyster habitat restoration methods in enhancing juvenile life-history traits, this study compared the settlement, growth and mortality of wild juvenile Olympia oysters among three shell treatments: (1) bagged shells and (2) loose shells, which are commonly used methods of oyster habitat restoration, and (3) rafted-line shells, which is a method used by the Oregon Oyster Farm of Yaquina Bay to commercially grow their Pacific oysters.
