A methodology is presented to identify possible rip current embayments from lidar-derived shorelines along the U.S. Oregon coast. Analyses of these features include their location and their representative length scales in an effort to determine a desired orientation of the features. A total of 99 embayments were analyzed having an average length and amplitude of 575 meters and 17 meters. During the major El Niño event of 1997/1998 there is an increase in size; however, the total number of embayments remained unchanged. The locations of rip embayments in the respective surveys does not show any significant correlation and appears to be random.

Matthew M. Dalon et al
Product Number: 
Source (Journal Article): 
Coastal Sediments '07
Year of Publication: 
14 pp.
Size and Format: 
8 1/2 x 11
Additional authors: Merrick Haller and Jonathan Allan