Evaluating the Data-Poor Fishery Stock Assessment Method, DB-SRA

Depletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis (DB-SRA; Dick and MacCall, 2011) is a catch-only fisheries stock assessment model that has been developed to estimate an overfishing limit (OFL) in data-poor situations. DB-SRA projects the biomass trajectories of a stock by means of a catch time series and five parameters: the instantaneous, per annum, rate of natural mortality (M), age at 50% maturity, FMSY/M, BMSY/B0, and the predicted depletion of the stock from its unfished condition.

Modeling abiotic influences on disease dynamics for the complex life cycle of the myxozoan parasite Ceratomyxa shasta

Most parasites and their hosts live in a balance within their environment; however a disease outbreak can occur when either the parasite, host, or environment, are perturbed. Myxozoan parasites are associated with a wide variety of cultured and wild fish populations. Most myxozoans are relatively benign to their vertebrate host; however some cause dramatic population level effects on both cultured and wild fish populations. These parasites have a complex life cycle involving a vertebrate host (fish), an invertebrate host (annelid), and two spore stages (actinospore and myxospore).

The terrestrial-marine connection of fecal pollution: examining land use impacts and indicator bacteria, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp

From this study we have learned that: 1) LCLU impacts on MW are season, scale and species dependent, 2) currently used indicators (FW EC and MW ENT) make it difficult to examine the link between marine and terrestrial systems in regards to fecal pollution and 3) neither EC nor ENT is ideal for monitoring fecal pollution due to survival and growth in the environment.
