OSG Publications

2023-24 Oregon Coast Quests Book
This new edition contains 30 Quests along the Oregon coast, including four that are completely new to the book.

Reimagining Critical Facilities Through Latinx Sense of Place
This case study examines how Oregon's Latinx coastal community perceives critical facilities and identifies new locations valued by this community as places to go in time of need.

Supporting Community Resiliency in the Face of Coastal Hazards and Natural Disasters
This article highlights a few of the programs and tools that Oregon Sea Grant has developed and challenges readers to join the effort to increase resilience throughout the nation.

Using Immersive Experiences and Near-Peer Mentoring to Build STEM Identity and Community
This article reports how the Journey for Aspiring Students Pursuing Ecological Research program uniquely integrates research with STEM education.

2022 Oregon Coast STEM Hub e-Blasts
This is a compilation of monthly newsletters created in 2022 by the Oregon Coast STEM Hub for educators, industry partners and students on the Oregon Coast.

Emotion in Informal Learning as Mediated Action
Researchers provide examples of how and why a mediated action approach to emotion as a social, distributed, interactional and discursive phenomenon may be helpful as an aspect of informal learning and exhibit design.