This comprehensive high school curriculum teaches students about what causes ocean acidification, its impacts and solutions.
Man fishes on ocean shore at sunset
Long-term sampling by Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO) researchers is critically important for helping society anticipate and adapt to present and future disruptions caused by global change.
Oregon Sea Grant logo
This paper is on how PISCO science and scientists significantly influenced local, state, federal, and international decisions about many topics, but especially marine protected areas, hypoxia, ocean acidification, fishery management, and marine diseases.
Kai Parker, Malouf Scholar, looking at computer screen with estuary data
This study addresses the limits of probabilistic flood hazard assessment with the development of an emulator which replaces the simulator with a statistical representation that is able to rapidly predict estuarine variables relevant to flooding.
Arial view of flooding in Tillamook, Oregon
This website supports the Oregon Coastal Futures project.
Photo of bridge in Coos Bay, Oregon.
Using sediment cores from two Oregon coast estuaries, researchers were able to measure a period from 1680 AD to present and reconstruct the historical water column oxygen in the estuaries.
