OSG Publications

Sea Grant Oregon

What's Fresh and When? Oregon Seafood Consumer Guide 2016

1-page consumer guide for Oregon seafood 2016 harvest dates.

Sea Grant Oregon

Oregon's Working Waterfront Tour series [online videos]

A series of online videos about some of the occupations and activities comprising the working waterfronts of the Oregon Coast.

Sea Grant Oregon

Map of Oregon's Bay Area: a working waterfront tour of Coos Bay, North Bend, and Charleston

A map with information on Coos Bay, North Bend, and Charleston, OR.

Sea Grant Oregon

Resilience Roots [blog site]

A blog dedicated to linking social and ecological resources in a changing world.

Sea Grant Oregon

Salmon Mashup: Rare Celilo Falls Film and Radio Chronicle [online video]

This video combines rare color-film footage of the great Indian fishery at Celilo Falls on the Columbia River with public radio reports from 1990-91 about the listing of certain salmon populations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Sea Grant Oregon

What's Fresh and When? Oregon Seafood Consumer Guide 2015

1-page consumer guide for Oregon seafood 2015 harvest dates.