OSG Publications

Sea Grant Oregon

How will climate change alter fishery governance? Insights from seven international case studies

We examine the implications of climate change for fishery governance using seven international fishery case studies in low, mid and high latitudes, including eastern Australia, the western Pacific Ocean, Alaska, west coast United States, Hawaii, west coas

Sea Grant Oregon

Long Form Fishing Community Profile: Garibaldi, Oregon

One of three publications in the "Long Form Fishing Community Profile" series.

Sea Grant Oregon

Long Form Fishing Community Profile: Newport, Oregon

One of three publications in the "Long Form Fishing Community Profile" series.

Sea Grant Oregon

Long Form Fishing Community Profile: Port Orford, Oregon

One of three publications in the "Long Form Fishing Community Profile" series.

Sea Grant Oregon

Octopus Dissection [online video]

Comparative necropsy of a squid and an octopus