OSG Publications

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Connecting Science to Policymakers, Managers and Citizens

This paper is on how PISCO science and scientists significantly influenced local, state, federal, and international decisions about many topics, but especially marine protected areas, hypoxia, ocean acidification, fishery management, and marine diseases.

Arial view of flooding in Tillamook, Oregon

Incorporating a probabilistic climate emulator into an agent-based coastal futures forecasting system

This presentation is on the development of effectively adapting strategies for coping with future coastal hazards using Envision..

Oregon Coastal Caucus Economic Summit 2019

The 8th Annual Oregon Coastal Caucus Economic Summit was held August 21-22, 2019 in Florence, Oregon. Video and program links.

Sea Grant Oregon

A sea of troubles? Evaluating user conflicts in the development of ocean energy.

This chapter focuses on the interactions and potential conflicts between the ocean energy (OE) sector and other users of the sea, as the incumbent OE section increases the demand for space within the marine landscape.

Sea Grant Oregon

Companies blocked from using West Coast ports to export fossil fuels keep seeking workarounds

Sociologists who have studied how people in the Northwest respond to proposals for large energy facilities in their communities point to factors that could make it significantly harder for local communities to have a say in the development.

Tide gates report

Ecological Effects of Tide Gate Upgrade or Removal: A Literature Review and Knowledge Synthesis

This document reports on findings, conclusions and recommendations derived from scientific literature and knowledge regarding the effectiveness of tide gate removal or upgrade in improving conditions for Oregon’s native migratory fish species.