OSG Publications

Sea Grant Oregon

Enhancing a Culture of Preparedness for the Next Cascadia Subduction Zone Tsunami

This book chapter presents work by the coauthors related to tsunami evacuation and Oregon preparedness.

Sea Grant Oregon

Exploring the Impacts of Climate and Policy Changes on Coastal Community Resilience: Simulating Alternative Future Scenarios

Models of coastal hazards, ecosystems, socioeconomics, and landscape management are coupled in conjunction with alternative scenario analysis to provide tools that can allow decision-makers to explore effects of policy decisions under uncertain futures.

Sea Grant Oregon

Integrated Engineering-Economic Model for the Assessment of Regional Economic Vulnerability to Tsunamis

Study uses an interdisplinary approach, integrating engineering and economic models to find a more accurate estimate of total losses in a potential tsunmai inundation zone and the surrounding county.

Sea Grant Oregon

Agent-Based Tsunami Evacuation Modeling of Unplanned Network Disruptions for Evidence-driven Resource Allocation and Retrofitting Strategies

Research paper address how many coastal communities, are underprepared for a tsunami event; lacking a comprehensive understanding of unplanned network disruptions as a key component to disaster management planning and infrastructure resilience.

Sea Grant Oregon

Continuity & Change: Commercial Fishing & Community Resilience on the Oregon Coast

The objective of this study is to improve understanding of coastal community resilience through examination of the graying of the fleet phenomenon in two fishing communities in Oregon.

Sea Grant Oregon

Informing Oregon’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Baseline Past and Present Tribal Uses of Marine Resources

This project focuses on tribal members with ancestral territory on the Oregon coast, there use of marine and coastal species and experience implementing policies for Oregon marine reserves.