OSG Publications

Sea Grant Oregon

Coastal hazards and community exposure in a changing climate: the development of probabilistic coastal change hazard zones

Coastal planners and decision makers need information about the impacts of future hazards in order to apply mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Sea Grant Oregon

Educating Pacific Northwest campers on the risk of spreading invasive forest pests through firewood: developing a mental model

The spread of invasive species into the Pacific Northwest (PNW) of the United States poses a serious threat to the valuable forest resources of the region.

Sea Grant Oregon

Evaluating the potential for expanding Oregon State University's e-campus to Africa: a training needs-assessment for developing African fisheries management capacity

This project evaluates the potential for expanding the existing Oregon State University Fisheries Management Certificate to universities and fisheries management agencies in Africa

Sea Grant Oregon

NOAA Sea Grant and Climate Change: Helping The Nation Prepare

Summary of Sea Grant program efforts in climate change science, education and outreach.

Sea Grant Oregon

Estuary Management in the Pacific Northwest

An overview of programs and activities in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California.

Sea Grant Oregon

Complex Courses from Conflict to Action

A riparian management case study.