These images show the same whale during different years and phases of reproduction, and the whale's corresponding Body Area Index.
Researcher used whales' body conditions to monitor their foraging success. This information is used to better understand and anticipate individual- and population-level trends in whale reproduction and survival.
Laminaria saccharina brown algae at the coast of Lista, Farsund municipality, in southern Norway.
This study compared the growth of female brown algea gametophyte filamentous cell suspension cultures in a stirred-tank photobioreactor under batch and fed-batch nutrient addition modes over a 48-day cultivation period.
Oceanfront homes with boulders piled along the front to protect them from erosion.
This study found that neighbors play an influential role in private oceanfront landowners’ decisions to protect their shorelines from erosion and rising sea levels, which could lead to excessive armoring of the coastline.
River in Europe with a tide gate down to control the flow of water.
A team of international researchers found at least 1.2 million instream barriers in 36 European countries, 68 percent of which are structures less than two meters in height that are often overlooked.
A large array of solar panels at the Hillsboro Intermodal Transit Facility
Researchers used a 2019 online survey sample to compare predictors of support for eight fuel sources for electricity generation in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington and Oregon.
Arial view of flooding in Tillamook, Oregon
Using the case study of Tillamook County, this study draws upon qualitative interview data to identify and explain social factors that have influenced the outcome of a collaborative, socially engaged flood management project.
