OSG Publications
Freshwater mussel populations in Pacific Coast Watersheds
This study is on freshwater mussel ecology in Oregon's coastal watersheds. It analyzes stream survey data, co-varying habitat characteristics, and summarizes mussel distribution and host fish co-occurrence.
Guide to Oregon Aquaculture
The Guide is intended to increase awareness and understanding of aquaculture in Oregon and serve as a resource for emerging growers in the state.
Mental models reveal diverse perspectives on marine resources management across race, ethnicity, gender
This study used a mental model approach to explore the potential value of racial/ethnic and gender diversity in marine and fisheries science professions from a cognitive deep-level diversity perspective.
Parasite distribtion and effects on juvenile salmon in Columbia River Basin
This study describes the distribution of C. shasta relative to chum salmon habitat in the Columbia River Basin and assess it potential to cause mortality to juvenile chum salmon.
Temperature and hypoxia on habitat quality of juvenile demersal fish
Researchers examine the growth rate of juvenile English sole under 15 combinations of temperature and dissolved oxygen levels.
West Coast Groundfish: Disaster to Sustainable Fishery
Oregon Sea Grant funded the creation of the website, which is an outreach component of a study it funded on how groundfish bottom trawling may impact areas of Oregon’s seafloor previously closed to fishing.