OSG Publications

Environmental resistance model informs biogeography of aquatic invasions in complex stream networks
This research proposes a method to assess the distribution of environmental resistance of stream ecosystems to biological invasions by coupling multi-stage habitat potential models for non-native species.

Assessing hybridization risk between trout species using habitat modeling
Researchers developed a spatially-explicit hybridization risk model for native and non-native trout. The model can also identify stream reaches with higher risk of hybridization.

Parasite distribtion and effects on juvenile salmon in Columbia River Basin
This study describes the distribution of C. shasta relative to chum salmon habitat in the Columbia River Basin and assess it potential to cause mortality to juvenile chum salmon.

Strategies for managing marine disease
This paper illustrates challenges and opportunities to marine disease management, assesses applications for marine disease outbreak prevention, response, and recovery and recommends multiple actions for future marine wildlife disease emergencies.

A doubled down invasion of the northeast Pacific by the Asian mud shrimp
This paper documents declines of native northeast Pacific mud shrimp due to infestations by two Asian bopyrid isopod parasites.

Biofouling, Aquatic Invasive Species, and Commercial Fishing Vessels
This educational flyer aims to inform commercial fishermen about the damaging effects of biofouling and provide tips to help them prevent the costly damage of aquatic invasive species.