OSG Publications

Sea Grant Oregon

Spatiotemporal controls on organic matter

Researchers investigate what are the sources of organic matter sequestered in minerogenic salt marshes, and the sources change through time.

Sea Grant Oregon

From the ocean to our kitchen table

Research finds microplastics and other anthropogenic particles in the edible tissue of U.S. West Coast seafood species.

Dominant bacterial taxa drive microbiome differences in juvenile Pacific oysters

The results of this study provide insight into how the microbiome of Pacific oysters may affect their early development, which can inform hatchery and nursery practices.

A large Chinook salmon with a red under belly and sides swims with smaller Omykiss in the background.

Environmental resistance model informs biogeography of aquatic invasions in complex stream networks

This research proposes a method to assess the distribution of environmental resistance of stream ecosystems to biological invasions by coupling multi-stage habitat potential models for non-native species.

A gray whale forages off the Oregon coast.

Gray whales consuming microplastics through prey

By collecting and assessing microparticle loads in zooplankton prey and fecal samples of gray whales, researchers estimate their consumption rate of microparticles.

Sea Grant Oregon

Human-centered Design as a Tool to Improve Employee Experience

Based on the Human-Centered Design, researchers conducted in-depth interviews to discover employee needs, evaluated data and proposed organizational strategies to improve employees' experiences.