Oregon Sea Grant announces the 2026-2028 Biennial Research Competition. This call invites preliminary proposals from researchers who are affiliated with any Oregon institution of higher education for two-year research projects that address cutting-edge socioeconomic and biophysical science related to important marine and coastal issues. Preliminary proposals Due February 2, 2025 by 11:59 pm PT. See the Request for Proposal or additional details below.
Excellence & Innovation Supported Here
Oregon Sea Grant provides competitive and noncompetitive funding opportunities for university-based researchers who seek to address questions about our oceans, coastlines and their natural and human communities. Projects often involve collaboration among scientists from public and private agencies, and from other parts of the region or the world. Primary funding comes from NOAA, as authorized and appropriated by Congress.
We also offer:
- modest, fast-track support for urgent or innovative projects
- fellowships and internships for graduate and undergraduate scholars
- management of applications for grants offered by the National Sea Grant office and other federal and state agencies
Biennial grant competition
Every two years, competitive research grants are available, assuming Congressional authorization and appropriation. Researchers affiliated with any Oregon institution of higher education are welcomed to apply. Grant award amounts average $125,000 per award. The current biennial competition will be for 2026-2028. Project duration is February 1, 2026, through January 31, 2028. The request for preliminary proposals for the 2026-2028 competition is below.
Request for preliminary proposals, 2026-2028 competition
Program development grants
Oregon Sea Grant offers small, short-term grants to meet pressing research needs between biennial funding cycles as resources are available. Amounts are modest - typically less than $10,000 - and the application and review process is simplified and compressed. Researchers may apply at any time.
Special grant opportunities
From time to time, Oregon Sea Grant issues special calls for proposals related to targeted research areas of state, regional or national significance. To be notified when such opportunities occur, subscribe to our RFP notification e-mail list.
Activity and conference support
Oregon Sea Grant offers resources to conferences or other activities that support or promote interaction, engagement or discussion with our stakeholders on topical areas that align with our strategic efforts.
Other funding opportunities
The National Sea Grant Program periodically offers special funding opportunities for projects addressing strategic national or regional needs. In some cases, you must apply through Oregon Sea Grant.