Savory Japanese Custard (Chawanmushi)

Savory Japanese Custard (Chawanmushi)

Featured: Pink Shrimp & Rockfish

Chef Theresa Yoshioka


Serves 5

  • 4 eggs
  • 400 ml (~1 2/3 cups) dashi
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 5 tsp Oregon pink shrimp
  • 1 fillet Pacific rockfish
  • 5 chestnuts or ginko nuts
  • Mushrooms


  • 1 carrot
  • 5 leaves water dropwort (can substitute cilantro)
  • Fill a steamer pot with 2-3 inches of water and place on high heat.
  • Beat eggs and strain through mesh strainer. Add cold dashi. Stir in sugar and salt.
  • Fill 5 cups halfway with chestnut, seafood and mushrooms. Pour egg mixture over ingredients in each cup. Top with slice of carrot and cilantro leaf.
  • Once steamer water is boiling, place filled cups in steamer. Steam uncovered for 7 minutes on high heat. Wrap the steamer lid with a towel, turn down heat to medium low and steam for 10 more minutes.