Oregon Sea Grant's annual State of the Coast conference took place online Nov. 5 - 6, 2020. Below are links to speakers during the two-day event.
November 5, 2020 Speakers
Keynote Speaker: Leigh Torres Leigh Torres is a marine mammals specialist with Oregon Sea Grant and a professor at Oregon State University. In this presentation, she talks about her lab's research on gray whales off Oregon. Given on Nov. 5, 2020, this talk was the keynote address at Oregon Sea Grant's online State of the Coast conference.
More than a tradition: Treaty rights and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission - Zachary Penney Zach Penney manages the fishery science department for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
Exploring Oregon! Introducing the Oregon Shore Explorer: Adrian Laufer This video features Adrian Laufer, a NOAA Coastal Management Fellow with Oregon's Department of Land Conservation and Development. She has been working with the Oregon Coastal Management Program and the Oregon Coast Visitors Association to create a website that connects the community and state managers to recreation and visitation options on Oregon's shore.
Marine energy and Oregon: Byson Robertson Bryson Robertson, an engineering professor at Oregon State University, talks about marine energy.
Research on developing bottom trawl gear that has reduced bottom contact: Mark Lomeli Mark Lomeli, of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, speaks about research on developing bottom trawl gear that has reduced contact with the seafloor.
November 6, 2020 Speakers
COVID-19 in marine mammals?: Carla Schubiger Carla Schubiger is a veterinarian at Oregon State University. She researches infectious diseases and immunology of aquatic species. In this presentation, she talks about COVID-19 in marine mammals.
A wild grass chase: Hybrid beachgrass discovery on the PNW dunes: Rebecca Mostow Rebecca Mostow is a doctoral candidate in the College of Science at Oregon State University. She is studying a hybrid beach grass that originates from two species that are not native to the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Sea Grant is funding the research.
The Newport hydrographic line: Sixty years of learning from an imaginary lin in Oregon's ocean: Nancy Steinberg Nancy Steinberg is a science communicator in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. In this presentation, she talks about efforts over the last 60 years to monitor ocean conditions off Oregon.