Careers in Science: Dorothy Horn and Briana Goodwin

Hosted by Oregon Sea Grant, this webinar is for students in grades 6-12 who want to explore careers in marine science.

Dorothy Horn explains how a month in the Channel Islands opened her eyes to the problem of marine debris. She is now researching microplastics as a doctoral candidate at Portland State University. She describes what microplastics are, where they come from, and why they're problematic.

Briana Goodwin describes her journey from undergraduate studies at Knox College in Illinois to her current job in Newport as the field manager for the Surfrider Foundation in Oregon. Along the way, she served with AmeriCorps in Port Orford and worked in Portland for SOLVE, an environmental organization known for its beach cleanups. In 2015, she earned a master's in marine resource management from Oregon State University. Among other duties at Surfrider, she supports volunteers, visits them along the coast, and trains them on using social media. She describes various issues Surfrider works on, including water quality, coastal preservation, ocean protection and beach access.

Lindsay Carroll, who coordinates Oregon Sea Grant's marine education program, serves as a moderator on this webinar, which was recorded on June 3, 2020.

Dorothy Horn and Briana Goodwin
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