Coastal Climate Change Survey Results for Oregon 2012


This report contains details from a survey of Oregon coastal professionals and elected officials on the topic of climate change planning. The survey was part of a national study on coastal communities and climate change adaptation.

We found that while most coastal professionals believe their communities will experience the effects of climate change, many are not currently involved in adaptation planning due in part to both a lack of agreement over the importance of climate change effects and a lack of urgency regarding such effects. They ranked as higher priorities other potential stressors to the coastal community, such as the economy and preparing for tsunami/earthquake hazards.

The findings revealed in Coastal Climate Change Survey Results for Oregon 2012 will prove useful to coastal officials and program managers seeking ways to motivate and support coastal professionals in adapting to local climate change.

Kirsten Winters
How to Order
Product Number
Year of Publication
16 pp.
Size and Format
8 1/2 x 11, online