Koi herpesvirus (KHV) is highly pathogenic to Cyprinus carpio. KHV can also become latent in recovered fish and reactivate from latency under stressful conditions. Understanding KHV latency is important for development of strategies against herpesvirus latent infection. Our previous studies found KHV ORF6 mRNA is detectable during latent infection. In this study, ORF6 protein expression was investigated by a polyclonal antibody specific to ORF6 peptide. Positive staining by an immunofluorescence assay was observed in both KHV infected CCB (common carp brain) cells and IgM+ white blood cells (WBCs) from recovered KHV+ koi. Proteins at the expected size, 68 kDa, and several different sizes can be detected during productive infection. Five potential sumoylation sites were identified in the ORF6 protein. Our study demonstrated that ORF6 protein is expressed in both productive infection and latent infection and may have different post-translational modifications during productive infection.

Authors: Reed, Aimee; Lin, Lisa; Ostertag-Hill, Claire; Wang, Qing; Wu, Zhixing; Miller-Morgan, Tim; Jin, Ling

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OSU Scholars Archive

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Product Number: 
Source (Journal Article): 
Virology, Volume 500, January 2017, pp. 82-30
DOI Number (Journal Article): 
Year of Publication: 
9 pages