Hold that Thought! Questioning Five Common Assumptions about Communicating with the Public

This publication is for the professional who works in a university, government agency, or nongovernmental organization and communicates with the public, mainly about scientific or technical information. Such professionals may be Extension agents, science writers, public educators, public information officers, organizational spokespersons, or even agency managers or research scientists "just doing some outreach." Regardless, a common goal of all such professionals is to cause at least some change in understanding through communication. In questioning common assumptions about communications, Hold that Thought! highlights contemporary research in the social sciences and the science of communication that can help make public communication more successful.

The other five publications in the "Public Science Communication Research and Practice" series are: Public Outreach and Behavior Change: An Annotated Reference Guide for Outreach Practitioners (ORESU-L-07-002), Expand Your View (ORESU-H-08-006), Mental Models Interviewing for More-Effective Communication (ORESU-H-11-002), Structured Decision Making (ORESU-H-11-001), and An Analysis of a Survey of Oregon Coast Decision Makers Regarding Climate Change (ORESU-S-09-001).

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Joe Cone
Product Number
Year of Publication
16 pp.
Size and Format
8 1/2 x 11, color cover, B&W text, paper