Knowledge, Capacity, and Needs for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Marine Planning: Key Findings from a West Coast Assessment

In response to the many existing and emerging demands on coastal and ocean resources, President Obama established by Executive Order the National Ocean Policy (NOP) in 2010, identifying marine spatial planning (MSP) as a mechanism to reduce conflicts and improve management. On the west coast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was designated as a federal co-lead for implementation. NOAA’s Western Regional Collaboration Team (NOAA West), a cross-cutting line office team, and the west coast Sea Grant programs initiated assessment of NOAA’s knowledge, capacity, and needs related to MSP through focus groups and a survey. This publication reveals the results of these efforts and discusses their implications.

Jenna Borberg, et al
How to Order
Product Number
Year of Publication
39 pp.
Size and Format
8 1/2 x 11, online
Project leads and authors: Jenna Borberg, Stephen Brandt, John Stein, and Timi Vann