Oregon Marine Scientist and Educator Alliance (ORESEA) 2022 Lessons
ORSEA connects math and science educators with scientists to create and pilot lessons centered around marine-focused anchoring phenomena. The ORSEA project supports data science education and ocean literacy while also exposing students to a variety of marine-related careers. This project was facilitated by the Oregon Coast STEM Hub and funded by Oregon Sea Grant and the National Science Foundation through OSU's Regional Class Research Vessel Project. Below are a list of curriculum topics published in 2022.
- Coastal Hypoxia: How do environmental and ecological factors affect ocean deoxygenation off the Oregon Coast?
- Coral Bleaching: Do Aiptasia with symbiotic algae grow better than those without symbiotic algae?
- Forams as Storytellers: What can tiny plankton tell us about past and present ocean climate?
- Hybrid Beach Grass Discovery: How does a newly-discovered beach grass hybrid affect coastal ecosystems?
- Invasion of the Crabs!: Are green crabs invading Oregon estuaries and causing harmful impacts?
- Kelp Forest Complexity: What factors affect biodiversity and community structure in West Coast kelp forests?
- Krill Prefer Chill: How are the inhabitants of a polar ecosystem affected by rising global temperatures caused by climate change?
- Muddy Waters: A Tale of Two Sloughs: What factors drive differences between an urban estuary and a protected estuary reserve?
- Patchy Plankton: What factors contribute to spatial variability in plankton abundance?
- Population Fluctuations in Salmon: Why can’t all salmon be managed in the same fashion?
Access Materials
Product Number
ORESU-E-22-001 - 010
Year of Publication