Extreme water levels generating flooding in estuarine and coastal environments are often driven by compound events, where many individual processes such as waves, storm surge, streamflow, and tides coincide. Despite this, extreme water levels are typically modeled in isolated open coast or estuarine environments, potentially mischaracterizing the true risk of flooding facing coastal communities.

This paper explores the variability of extreme water levels near the tribal community of La Push, within the Quileute Indian Reservation on the Washington state coast, where a river signal is apparent in tide gauge measurements during high discharge events. To estimate the influence of multiple forcings on high water levels a hybrid modeling framework is developed, where probabilistic simulations of joint still water level and river discharge occurrences are merged with a hydraulic model that simulates along-river water levels. This methodology produces along-river water levels from thousands of combinations of events not necessarily captured in the observational records.

We show that the 100-year still water level event and the 100-year discharge event do not always produce the 100-year along-river water level. Furthermore, along specific sections of river, both still water level and discharge are necessary for producing the 100-year along river water level. Understanding the relative forces driving extreme water levels along an ocean-to-river gradient will help communities within inlets better understand their risk to the compounding impacts of various environmental forcing, which is important for increasing their resilience to future flooding events.

Serafin, K.A.; Ruggiero, P., Parker, K.; Hill, D.F
Product Number: 
Source (Journal Article): 
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences July 2019, Vol. 19, issue 7,pp.1415-1431
DOI Number (Journal Article): 
Year of Publication: 
17 pages