State of the Coast 2021 Program

The 2021 State of the Coast conference was held virtually on October 28-29 2021

Recordings for most of the 2021 conference content are available below.
Please let us know if you have any questions about accessibility or access to the materials by emailing [email protected] 

DAY 1: Thursday, October 28 8:30AM-2:00PM (Pacific)

8:30AM – Welcome

Image of the 2021 State of the Coast Keynote Speaker, Fernanda Oyarzun.8:45AM – Keynote  (RECORDING) - Dr. Fernanda Oyarzun: a scientist, artist, and educator from Chile. If you haven’t had a chance to hear her speak, expect to be delighted and inspired.  You can learn more about Dr. Oyarzun on her website.





10:00AM – Snapshots 

  1. It was the best of times…a perspective on the coastal year-in-review and a preview of the next, Caren Braby, ODFW
  2. Tangled up in Blue: Developing Ecosystem Models to Mitigate Whale Entanglement Risk in Oregon, Rachel Kaplan, OSU
  3. How the Economic Impact of Climate Action can Gain Environmental Allies, Patty Martin, Oregon Coast Visitors Association
  4. Surveying Oregon’s Nearshore Midwater Rockfish, Leif Rasmuson, ODFW

11:00AM – Student Presentations

12:30PM – Breakouts 1&2 - concurrent

1. Oregon Kelp Alliance – Kelp Forest Restoration

  • Tom Calvanese, OSU 
  • Aaron Galloway, OIMB/UO
  • Sara Hamilton, OSU
  • Sarah Gravem, OSU
  • Lisa Hildebrand, OSU
  • Leigh Torres, OSU

2. Rough Seas: Fishermen Perspectives on Ocean Change

  • Charlotte Regula-Whitefield, ODFW
  • Liz Perotti, ODFW 
  • 3-5 Oregon fishing industry representatives
DAY 2: Friday, October 29 9:00AM-3:30PM (Pacific)

9:00AM – Welcome

9:10AM – Snapshots 

  1. iCrab Dance & Coding: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Teaching High School Students about Coastal Hypoxia, Darryl Thomas (lead), WOU
    • Dr. Breeann Flesch, Computer Science   
    • Camila Gabaldón, Library Science          
    • Dr. Karen Haberman, Biology                  
    • Darryl Thomas, Dance 
    • Workshop Highlights video & The iCrab Dance Video                            
  2. How OSU's Wave Research Laboratory Supports the Resilience and Sustainability of the Oregon Coast, Pedro Lomonaco, OSU
  3. Bringing the Coast to the Classroom: Intertidal Education During Covid, Stacy Bartrom, BLM and Lindsay Brandt, BLM
  4. The Oregon Coast Rocks, Kent Doughty, Audubon Society of Lincoln City

10:30AM – Student Presentations  

12:00PM – Breakouts 3, 4, & 5- concurrent

3. Coastal Planning in Oregon: Past, Present, and Future

  • Hailey Bond, Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP)
  • Deanna Caracciolo, OCMP
  • Andy Lanier, OCMP

4. What's that in the water?  Contaminants in Oregon's coastal waters and animals

  • Elise Granek, PSU 
  • Susanne Brander, OSU 
  • Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer, PSU
  • Allie Tissot, PSU
  • Samreen Siddiqui, OSU
  • Sara Hutton, OSU
  • Summer Traylor, PSU
  • Julia Parker, OSU

5. Sculpture Workshop – looking at outreach and teaching in new ways with all of your senses. Using 3D to teach, learn and connect in new ways.  (limited capacity workshop)

  • Fernanda Oyarzun

 2:00PM – Breakouts 6 & 7- concurrent

6. Watercolor Whales Workshop

  • Lacey Prososki, artist
  • Dawn Barlow, Oregon State University, Marine Mammal Institute

7. The Klamath river socio-ecological system: today and post-dam removal

  • Desiree Tullos, Oregon State University
  • Mark Bransom,  Klamath River Renewal Corporation
  • Mike Belchick, Yurok Tribes
  • Tommy Williams, NOAA
  • Eve Robinson, Humboldt State University
  • Bryan Tilt, OSU