
Oregon's Coastal Conference

A woman speaks at a podium.

Built on a rich history, the State of the Coast conference continues to grow and change annually. Each year it is held in one of Oregon’s beautiful coastal communities, providing participants the opportunity to learn, share, and keep abreast of what’s going on in Oregon’s marine environment. Our goal is to provide relevant and timely content delivered through a variety of useful and fun learning and networking opportunities.

State of the Coast is the coastal conference where everybody from scientists to industries to average citizens can network with, get updates on, and engage in current and future issues and opportunities facing Oregon’s marine environment.

Pictured left: Charlotte Coté, an associate professor in American Indian Studies at the University of Washington, gives the keynote address at Oregon Sea Grant's 2022 State of the Coast conference at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. (photo by Trav Williams of Broken Banjo Photography).

Oregon Sea Grant

Working Group

Jamie Doyle

Stephanie Ichien

Renee Fowler

Lindsay Carroll

Susie Conley

2024 Advisory Committee

Yana Ludwig - North Coast Food Web

Michael Boonstra - Oregon State University, College of Liberal Arts

Andy Meyers - Oregon State University, College of Liberal Arts

Scott Groth - Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Scott Heppell - Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Science

Steve Rumrill - Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife

Kristi Foster - Tillamook Estuaries Partnership

Amanda Gladics - Oregon Sea Grant

Sarah Lu Heath - Columbia Pacific Economic Development District

Nan Devlin - Tillamook Coast Visitors Association & North Coast Food Trail 

Graham Klag - North Coast Watershed Association

Charlie Plybon - Surfirder