The 2022 SOTC Program is available below
The morning session from 9:00-11:30AM was live streamed on the day of the event. You can view the recordings below; please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
You may also download a PDF of the full program here and details on this year's venue can be found on the "Venue" tab.
8:00 AM - Coffee & registration - Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building (MSB) Lobby
9:00 AM - Welcome and Keynote (Recording) - MSB Auditorium
Keynote speaker: Dr. Charlotte Coté* (University of Washington)
Keynote Title: ḥačatakma c̓awaak (everything is interconnected). Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Reciprocity, and Sustainability in the Northwest Coast
10:00 - 10:30 AM – Break & Book Signing - MSB Lobby
10:30 - 11:30 AM – Snapshots (lightning talks)* (Recording) - MSB Auditorium
- Charles Seaton (Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission) - NANOOS
- Sarah Gravem (OSU) - Tracking marine disease outbreak in real time with PRIMED
- David Gomberg (OR State Rep. District 10) - Infrastructure Investments on the Central Coast
- Hans Radtke (Natural Resource Economist) - Local Catch Greater Utilization in Local Markets
- Alison Dennis (Sitka Center for Art and Ecology) - The Future of Art and Ecology: Insights and calls to action from artists and scientists exploring the leading edges and intersections
- Dan Hellin (OSU/PacWave) - PacWave - wave energy testing off Newport
11:30 AM -1:00 PM – Lunch & Student Research and Art Exhibit (Download a PDF of the 2022 SOTC Book of Abstracts here) - HMSC Visitor Center
1:15 - 2:30 PM – Breakout Sessions 1 (5 concurrent sessions)*
Exploring Coastal Energy Resilience - MSB Auditorium
Red Seaweeds – the Kelp Alternative? - Room 146 MSB
Fast FFAST: A condensed version of fishermen first aid and safety training - Room 176 MSB
Oregon's Marine Reserves‚ Assessing the First Decade - Visitor Center Auditorium
CANCELED - Estuary Exploration: How to Use Inquiry to Investigate this Incredible Habitat (Outdoors) - CANCELED
2:45 - 4:00 PM – Breakout Sessions 2 (5 concurrent sessions)*
- A conversation about how best to evaluate the opportunities and risks associated with Offshore Floating Wind Development - Visitor Center Auditorium
- Sculpting the Conversation: Art as a Medium for Scientific Exploration & Advocacy - Room 146 MSB
- Partnering with Beavers to help tackle a range of challenging issues: water quality and quantity, salmon recovery, wildfire, and drought - Room 176 MSB
- Coastal Community Islanding, Regional Highway Connectivity, and Recovery after a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami - MSB Auditorium
- The Watershed Game - Room 28 Education Wing
4:00 PM – Awards & Reception
- Laura Anderson (Local Ocean) - Capnote: Level up - creating and sharing space for emerging seafood businesses* - MSB Auditorium & Lobby
*Additional details below - If viewing on a mobile device, readability is improved in the landscape (sideways) orientation.
9:15 AM - Keynote
Dr. Coté is the founder and planning committee chair of The Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ: Indigenous Foods Symposium, which brings people together to share knowledge on topics such as traditional foods, plants and medicines; environmental and food justice; food sovereignty/security; health and wellness; and treaty rights.
Her most recent book, A Drum in one Hand, A Sockeye in the Other. Stories of Indigenous Food Sovereignty from the Northwest Coast, explores how traditional foods play a major role in physical, emotional, spiritual, and dietary wellness.
Keynote Abstract: For Indigenous peoples, their cultural identities are embedded within the land and waterscapes in which they call home. Dr. Charlotte Coté will discuss how rooted within Indigenous eco-philosophies and worldviews is the cultural knowledge and understanding that people, animals, plants, land, and water are interconnected in a web of life. The Northwest Coast provides an exceptionally rich and nurturing environment for salmon, and a sustainable balance between salmon and Northwest Coast Indigenous peoples evolved through thousands of years into a respectful and reciprocal relationship. Salmon are at the heart of Northwest Coast Indigenous food sovereignty, and enacting food sovereignty is central to the cultural resurgence, decolonization, and self-determination movements taking place in coastal Indigenous communities today. But, as Dr. Coté explains, realizing food sovereignty comes with many challenges as Northwest Coast Indigenous communities face pollution, habitat destruction, fish farms, environmental degradation, and climate change, which threaten the ecosystems where these sacred relationships have thrived for millennia.
10:30-11:30 pm – Snapshots (lightning talks)
NANOOS, the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems, provides observing and model data, user-defined products, and a wealth of information. Attendees will learn more about NANOOS, what we offer, and how to be involved.
Outbreaks of marine diseases and other mass mortality events are expected to increase with continued climate change and other human activities. These outbreaks can have far-reaching ecological, cultural and economic consequences. The mission of the Primary Responders in Marine Emergent Disease (PRIMED) Network is to detect, monitor and effectively respond to marine wildlife disease emergencies in a changing ocean ( PRIMED is an interdisciplinary group of scientists, resource managers, educators, and community members with broad expertise in many fields including disease dynamics, ecology, and natural resource management. Come learn how to become our first line of defense against marine disease outbreaks by learning to identify marine organisms and assess their health. We will show you how to use iNaturalist on your smart phones to upload your observations to our Marine Wildlife Disease Project ( Our intent is to establish a local community of amatuer and professional scientists who detect and respond to marine disease emergencies and mortality events along the Oregon Coast. The app uses photo-recognition software to identify species from a picture. It is very user-friendly and fun for all ages! With feet in the sand, boots in the tide pools, and fins in the water, we are PRIMED for the future!
Our small, coastal communities are facing big, expensive challenges. Critical infrastructure creates jobs, supports our economy, and can reduce cost of living, but the investments our cities and counties will need to thrive just aren't always fiscally feasible. Together, District 10 projects are set to receive over $70 million in direct investment from the state budget this biennium, but there is always more to do. Rep. Gomberg worked with community leaders to help secure these appropriations and is eager to share how such meaningful investments will contribute to our coastal communities, and what new investments might be on the horizon in 2023.
Seafood retail sales on the Oregon Coast have supplies that are about 90 percent from non-local catch origin. Consumers have a buying preference for quality products from sustainably managed and socially responsible fisheries. Local catch offerings should increase demand and fetch premium prices which will generate higher economic impacts. However, there are challenges in shifting supply sources. The presentation will provide background information about the Oregon fishing industry and review study results about obstacles and opportunities for overcoming seafood distributional problems. An example case will be describe that shows the economic impacts for greater local catch utilization.
We all know that the need to imagine new ways to see, interpret and inhabit the natural world together is paramount. This talk will offer actionable insights from the leading edges of artist and scientist collaboration and exchange. Participants will learn tips and takeaways from the most recent artists to take part in the Artist at Sea residency program, a partnership between Hatfield Marine Science Center and Sitka Center, in which professional artists work alongside marine scientists on research vessels. Insights about the future of STEAM education and how to inspire the next generation of Oregon coast artists, scientists and interdisciplinary creatives will also be shared.
Based at Oregon State University, PacWave is expanding its open ocean wave energy testing capabilities with the development of PacWave South. Once operational, this test site will be the only one of its kind in the US, and one of only a few similar facilities in the world. Located 7 miles off the coast of Newport, in an area selected by the local fishermen, PacWave South will help establish OSU and Oregon as a global leader in the open water testing of wave energy converters and associated technology.
1:15-2:30 PM – Breakout Session 1 (5 concurrent sessions)
Session Description: Oregon’s Coastal communities reside at the edge of an aging energy grid relying on imported fuels and electricity to meet our basic needs. As the region’s weather events and energy demands shift in response to our changing climate, increased frequency and duration of energy supply interruptions are projected. What technologies, initiatives and funding resources are available for increasing coastal energy resilience and reliability?
Keywords: Energy, Independence, Adaptation, Resilience
Session Description: The aquaculture of red seaweeds for food and industrial phyco-colloids is a $1 billion global business, but has a small footprint in the United States. The Pacific regions of the US have significant potential to create new opportunities for aquaculture of red seaweeds that produce high value products through sustainable, automated processes.
This session provides a briefing on current developments, the technical and economic challenges for developing the nascent red seaweed aquaculture enterprise in US Pacific regions. We will introduce you to new pathways and products such as plant-based proteins and propose how technology-based solutions can reduce both risk and production cost to potential growers.
Session Description : Since 2016, Oregon Sea Grant and OSU’s College of Public Health have been collaborating to develop and deliver FFAST, a first aid and safety training for commercial fishermen. This training is based off of wilderness first aid principles and assumes that fishermen are at least two hours from medical care. Using hands on training and scenarios that are specific to west coast commercial fishing, FFAST provides valuable skills and helps build confidence in fishermen that they can handle emergencies at sea. This “Fast FFAST” session will provide participants with a look at the content that is covered in the FFAST training, the chance to practice some first aid skills and will discuss some of the ways the training was adapted to meet changing needs and availability during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Session Description: Ten years ago Oregon finalized the implementation of five marine reserves along the coast. Today we are in the midst of a statewide assessment of that reserves program. In this session, panelists will discuss the assessment process, what ODFW has accomplished in the marine reserves, and the results of scientific investigations into the ecological and human effects of the reserves.
Session Description: Join the Recess Outdoor Adventure School team on a walk along the Yaquina Bay estuary to uncover how to communicate coastal science concepts to preschool and elementary students. Discover native plants, watch wildlife, and collaborate with colleagues during this hands-on workshop. Open to educators, parents, policy makers, and scientists looking to engage young children & their families.
All weather presentation. Please bring hiking boots and rain gear. Limited to the first 20 participants.
2:45-4:00 PM – Breakout Sessions 2 (5 concurrent sessions)
Session Description: An honest discussion about the opportunities and risks associated with offshore floating wind turbine farms. We all know the climate crisis is real and that offshore floating wind energy generation may be a key component of our transition away from fossil fuels - but how should we proceed to ensure important issues like environmental impacts, impacts to fisheries and the local economy are fully considered. This session will examine what is known and unknown about these risks and explore the process, timing and resources that will be needed to objectively evaluate potential trade-offs.
Session Description: Engage your senses while learning arts inspired instructional techniques and tips for communicating oceanic and scientific concepts to diverse audiences in this hands-on workshop presented by Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. Participants will explore the ways in which art can open new pathways to conversation in a variety of presentation and conversational settings including K-12 learning environments.
In this workshop air dry clay will be utilized as the medium for exploration. This type of clay is fast drying, recyclable and reusable. The pliability of this medium creates a tactile experience that allows for individuals of all ability levels to tap into their creative side while drawing from their scientific knowledge base.
Unlike other arts inspired workshops, no preexisting artistic experience or knowledge is needed. Participants of all experience levels will be provided with tools and tips relevant to their personal scientific practice that can be easily replicated and integrated into future gatherings with family, friends, in classrooms settings, at workshops and seminars and beyond.
This presentation will demonstrate art as a vehicle for scientific exploration and advocacy. Sitka instructors will provide examples of measurable outcomes that can be achieved through similar instructional models and examples of additional art mediums that have been utilized throughout the Sitka curriculum to intersect science and art.
Session Description: A talk and discussion on how beavers and their dam building activity increase water availability, elevate the water table consistently, even during periods of drought, mitigate flooding, create complex winter rearing habitat for salmon and improve water quality.
We will discuss some of the challenges that beavers face, which currently limit their ability to fulfill their role as a keynote species linked to Oregon’s Conservation Plan, benefits in addressing the Clean Water Act and salmon coevolution and limiting factors.
A short video will be shared on beaver and salmon recovery Steve Trask, Fish Biologist, Biosurveys:
Session Description: This session looks at the isolation or lack of connectivity that Oregon coastal communities experience after the really big one‚ and how long it might take for the transportation networks (roads and bridges) to recover from the damages due to the M9 earthquake and tsunami. We will discuss islanding and connectivity from two perspectives: a local connectivity index related to getting around within a community, and regional connectivity index related to going from the community to other locations like from the coast to the Willamette Valley. This discussion will stem from published research and ongoing community discussion where we identify which communities might have better local connectivity compared to their regional connectivity, and vice versa. We also look at what mitigation might enable communities to be connected sooner. We explore differences in community connectivity from a social science lens related to community-identified assets such as school, heath care, education, and places of gathering.
Description: The Watershed Game is an active, tabletop simulation activity created by Minnesota Sea Grant which helps participants learn how land use affects water quality and natural resources ( With versions designed to engage groups of adults or classrooms of students in grade 6 and up, the game inspires teamwork, promotes discussion, and shares practices, plans, and policies that can be used to decrease nonpoint source pollution. In this hands-on session, we’ll play the Classroom Version-Stream Model and learn about features in the brand-new Coast Model which was unveiled in early 2022. Join us to experience the game for yourself and to increase your confidence and ability to facilitate the game with new audiences.
Moderator: Cait Goodwin & Shawn Rowe (Oregon Sea Grant)
4:00 PM - Capnote Address
Speaker: Laura Anderson (Local Ocean)
Title: Level up - creating and sharing space for emerging seafood businesses
Description: Why is it so hard for people to find and buy local, sustainable seafood at the coast? In part, it is due to lack of infrastructure and services that support small and mid-size seafood buyers. Enter The Lab- a new concept in Newport that is offering shared work space, equipment and freezer storage at low risk and low cost so fishers and small seafood buyers can land, process, and store their fish. In this talk I will share how the simple solution of creating space has doubled Local Ocean’s capacity to buy and sell local seafood, and how we hope to help other start and scale their seafood businesses.
You can view past programs and conference content on the SOTC Archive page.
If you have questions, please get in touch with us at [email protected]