Sea Grant Story Archive

Ceramics exhibit in Newport features at-risk animals

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration funded the artwork.

Report: Prices and online visibility of coastal tour operators vary widely

Online presence ranged from prominent to nonexistent, and prices charged for comparable services offered by different tour companies varied by as much as 400 percent.

New Oregon Coast Quests Book features 28 clue-directed hunts in 7 Oregon counties

The 2019-20 edition of the popular "Oregon Coast Quests Book" is now available. It features 28 clue-directed hunts in Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Coos, Curry and Benton counties.

PSU researchers find suspected microplastics in Oregon oysters

Researchers at Portland State University have found what they think are tiny plastic fibers in about 120 Pacific oysters from the Oregon coast.

Interns aim to help Oregon companies reduce waste, save money

Interns interview employees, study the lifecycles of products, and tour manufacturing and processing facilities

6 Oregon salt marshes have stayed ahead of rising sea, study says

Study found that the rate at which the ocean rose impacted the rate at which sediment accumulated

Tourism expert helps outdoor recreation companies on Oregon coast

Oregon Sea Grant's Miles Phillips helped create trainings for tour guides and employees

Tours show consumers how to buy seafood from fishermen and markets

Over 1,200 people have participated in tours in Newport, Warrenton and Garibaldi since 2014

Study: Vets need to talk with clients about proper disposal of pet meds

61 percent of 103 veterinary professionals said they do not talk about discarding pet care products and medicines

Collaboration with fishermen leads to ocean-forecasting website

Website predicts wave height, salinity, surface currents and other sea conditions

OSU researchers aim to use probiotics to improve growth of oyster larvae

NOAA's Sea Grant program provides $725,000 in funding

OSU researchers aim to scale up production of nutritious red seaweeds

Flat, mesh panels – a new technique – will be used to farm the seaweed