Sea Grant Extension Assembly

The Sea Grant Assembly provides a way for Sea Grant Extension program leaders to respond to network issues or needs and to provide a forum for sharing related professional knowledge.

About the Assembly

The Sea Grant Extension Assembly serves primarily to:

  • Provide a mechanism for Sea Grant Extension (SGE) program leaders to respond to network issues or needs and to provide a forum for sharing related professional knowledge.
  • Foster ongoing communication with the Sea Grant Association, National Sea Grant Office, and other SGE outreach and research components.
  • Develop mechanisms to increase cooperative programming, outreach innovations, and talent sharing.
  • Encourage national and regional professional recognition for outstanding performance for appropriate SGE professionals.
  • Foster effective liaisons with various groups interested in collaborating with SGE program leaders in concert with the Sea Grant Association.
  • Support and encourage regional SGE program networks.

One SGE program leader represents each Sea Grant institutional program at a formal Assembly meeting. For multistate programs, one individual from each state is asked to be a member. Each program has one vote.

The Assembly has five elected officers: Assembly chair, Assembly chair-elect, secretary-treasurer, and two at-large delegates. The chair of the Assembly is an ex-officio member of the Sea Grant Association.

The Assembly meets annually, with one meeting during the biennial Sea Grant Week gathering. The Assembly produces studies of vital topics to the Sea Grant program (see "Publications & Documents")