Extension and public engagement are integral to everything Oregon Sea Grant does. They are the tools we use to ensure that our work is not only relevant to society but directly connected with it.
Here to Listen, Help, Engage
Since 1971, Oregon Sea Grant has been striving to engage, listen to, inform, and assist coastal communities address important social, economic, and environmental issues. Our partners, collaborators, and constituents include scientists and researchers; coastal residents; local, state, federal, and tribal agencies; and the public.
Click on the topics in the sidebar at the top right of this page to learn more about our work. You can also locate our staff by clicking on the map below.
Oregon Sea Grant Office Locations
Corvallis/Oregon State University
Oregon Sea Grant Operations, Research and Scholars; includes Sea Grant Extension agents for Aquatic Invasive Species, Coastal Tourism, Fish Ecology and Watersheds and Free-Choice Learning
Fisheries Management
Hatfield Marine Science Visitor Center, K-12 Marine Education, Aquatic Animal Health, Coastal Hazards, and Marine Mammals
Sea Grant Extension Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Boating Outreach
Coos Bay
Sea Grant Extension Coastal Community Development