Online brochure describes soakage trenches and how to design them.
Fact sheets in the “Low Impact Development” series include: Rain Gardens (ORESU-G-11-001), Porous Pavement (ORESU-G-11-002), Vegetated Filter Strips (ORESU-G-11-003), Drywells (ORESU-G-11-004), Stormwater Planters (ORESU-G-11-005), Swales (ORESU-G-11-006), Green Roofs (ORESU-G-11-007), Infiltration Testing (ORESU-G-11-008), Soakage Trenches (ORESU-G-11-009), The LID Site Planning Process (ORESU-G-14-003), Low Impact Development in the Design Phase (ORESU-G-14-006), Low-Impact Development in the Construction Phase (ORESE-G-14-005), and Low Impact Development in the Maintenance Phase After Construction (ORESU-G-14-004).
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