Humpback, gray and blue whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, harbor porpoises, sea lions and harbor seals are all examples of marine mammals that feed, breed and travel through Oregon's waters.
Oregon Sea Grant researches marine mammals of the Pacific Northwest so we can better understand how these animals interact with their natural and human-influenced environment. Our public outreach helps inform, manage, and protect these iconic animals.
Leigh Torres is a marine ecologist, providing and extending information about current research on marine mammal ecology and behavior. She works extensively with the Marine Mammal Institute where her current research focuses on the ecology and conservation of marine megafauna, including seabirds, marine mammals, sharks, and turtles.
Amanda is located in Astoria. She provides community education that fosters sustainable fisheries. She also works closely with commercial fishermen, researchers and managers to develop innovative solutions for reducing bycatch fisheries and reducing the instances of whale entanglements.