The student research exhibition is  a dedicated time when conference participants can interact with student researchers as they explain their marine-related research. This remains an opportunity for students to showcase their research and gain professional experience.

Annual Student Exhibition

State of the Coast invites contributions from advanced undergraduates (juniors or seniors), recent graduates and graduate students. We welcome submissions from any discipline related to issues and opportunities facing the marine environment: biology, anthropology, law, engineering, policy, chemistry, business, ecology, environmental science, management, and more!

The Call for Student Researcher Submissions is now Closed

Abstracts were due by October 16 at 5PM (Pacific)

Goals of student engagement at State of the Coast

  1. Professional development for students; providing an opportunity for students to share their work and get feedback on how well they communicated about their research.
  2. Sharing a diversity of student research and art, so that conference attendees get a holistic look at current work by Oregon students.

Annual Student Research Exhibition!

View the 2023 Books of Student Abstracts (PDF)

The 2023 Research Award Recipients will be listed here after the conference.

2022 Student Research Awards

1st place Judged: Risa Askerooth

Runner-up Judged: Leanne Cohn

Second Runner-up Judged: Charles Nye

People’s Choice: Abby Knipp