Visit the "Don't Pack A Pest" website for essential guidelines on restricted items during international travel, safeguarding your journey against potential agricultural hazards and customs hassles.







Visit the "United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)" website for comprehensive information on safeguarding agriculture and ecosystem by regulating the import and export of animals, plants, and related products.




Navigate international borders seamlessly with insights from the "US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)" website, offering essential information on customs procedures and regulations for a hassle-free travel experience.





Dive deeper into the world of invasive species to understand their impact on ecosystem, agriculture, and biodiversity, and discover effective strategies to combat their spread and protect our environment by visiting the "Oregon Invasive Species Council" website.







“Don’t Pack a Pest!” Blog: Outreach to all International Educators

CBP’s biological threat exclusion coordinators - Defending against the smallest threats

CBP OneTM Mobile Application - serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services, including for travelers to request an inspection of biological and agriculture products upon their air arrival into the U.S.