Commercial Fisheries

Oregon Sea Grant works with the fishing industry to understand and communicate the resilience and sustainability of important Pacific Northwest coastal and marine species.

Commercial fisheries face several challenges, including increased regulation, an aging fleet, and changing environmental conditions. Oregon Sea Grant informs decision-makers and the public about Oregon fisheries and how the community effects local seafood production and consumption.

Amanda Gladics,

Sea Grant Extension Coastal Fisheries

Amanda is located in Astoria. She provides community education programs that foster sustainability of fisheries. She also works closely with commercial fishermen, researchers, and managers to develop innovative solutions for reducing bycatch fisheries and reducing the risks of whale entanglements.

Jamie Doyle,

Sea Grant Extension Coastal Community Development

Jamie is located in Coos Bay. As a Community Development Agent, her work explores issues related to the seafood production workforce, tow lanes, working waterfronts, and marine debris.

Angee Doerr,

Sea Grant Extension Marine Fisheries Specialist

Located in Lincoln County, Angee focuses on commercial fisheries and marine coastal resources, providing community outreach and education on subjects ranging from marine resource management to nearshore energy and sustainable economic growth for coastal industries.

Leigh Torres,

Sea Grant Extension Marine Mammals

Leigh is a marine ecologist, providing and extending information about current research on marine mammal behavior. She works with the whale entanglement group and collaborates with the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission to better understand how whale distribution overlaps with fishing to help identify areas of whale entanglement risk. Her research focuses on the ecology and conservation of marine megafauna, including seabirds, marine mammals, sharks, and turtles.