Lesson Overview

What can tiny plankton tell us about past and present ocean climate?
Students learn about marine heatwaves and how the distribution of foraminifera species in the fossil record and in deep sea sediment cores helps researchers understand changes in ocean climate. (Gr 9-12)

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Lesson Materials
PDF icon Forams as Storyellers full lesson plan (pdf)777.71 KB
Program Name and Website
Oregon Marine Scientist and Educator Alliance
Grade Level
High School
Kerry Zambrano, Benson Polytechnic High School
Will Millard, Tillamook High School
M. Kelsey Lane, Oregon State University
Lesson Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

  • LS2.A – Interdependent Relationship in Ecosystems
  • LS2. C – Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience

Oregon Math Standards

  • HS.AFN.A.3

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