Get your feet wet in the fascinating world of marine science


Become a volunteer! Engage with visitors from around the world as they explore exhibits about the natural wonders of the Oregon coast and cutting-edge marine research.

Pictured at the top, volunteers Jon and Kevin assemble an elephant seal skeleton, now on display. Volunteer Cynthia (left) is an interpreter at the touch pools.

Nearly 100 volunteers donate their time to the Hatfield Visitor Center. Our volunteers help with a wide array of duties, including:

  • Engage and educate the public in the Visitor Center
  • Lead summer estuary tours
  • Work with visiting field trip groups
  • Behind-the-scenes projects, such as creating new public programming
  • Help with exhibit development

As long as you are a lifelong learner over the age of 18, we welcome you to apply!

Pictured left, volunteer Ralph leads a guided estuary walk.