List of GORP Guides

Guide & Outfitter Recognized Professionals

Below is a list of people who have completed the full four-course GORP program which includes the Global, United States, Oregon and Oregon Coast regions. This list includes students up to Oct. 2021.

Guide Services Region
Christopher Anderson Camping/Backpacking, Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging, Nature/Ecology, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon
Kent Anderson Fishing - Freshwater, Boating Coastal Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, and Other US States
Amy Black Cycling Columbia Gorge Oregon
John Blanchard Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon
Liz Brennan 4-H Youth Development - Marion County, Oregon Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon
Taylor Brooks Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon
Caleb Burns Fishing- Freshwater, Paddlecraft, Whitewater, Camping/Backpacking, Rock Climbing, Snow Sports, Mountaineering Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Mt. Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Other US States, Mexico
Karen Candelario Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours Coastal Oregon
Stephanie Carter Camping/Backpacking, Paddlecraft, Snow Sports Coastal Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Central Oregon
Edward Chin Boating, Fishing-Freshwater, Fishing-Ocean, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Jessica Church Sightseeing Tours Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Mark Cobb Paddle craft Southern Oregon
Kathleen Collier Communications Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Vanessa Cummings Hiking, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Kathleen Davis Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon
Randall Davis Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon
Bert de Klerk Fishing-Freshwater, Sightseeing Tours, Whitewater Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon
Abigail De Young Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon
Steve Dimock Photography Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Jesse Dolin Fishing-Freshwater, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Other US States, Other Nations
Catherine Eckrode Camping/Backpacking, Hiking Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Luke Ewing Boating, Paddlecraft, Wildlife Viewing, Fishing-Freshwater, Sightseeing Tours, Whitewater Coastal Oregon
Ryan Fox Agricultural Tours, Paddlecraft, Cycling, Food Foraging, Nature/Ecology Tours, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon

Angela Fuhrmann
Agricultural Tours, Camping/Backpacking, Boating, Paddlecraft, Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Sightseeing Tours, Snow Sports, Wildlife Viewing, Whitewater Southern Oregon

Kendal Gile

Paddlecraft, Cycling, Nature/Ecology Tours, Surfing/Kiting, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon
Kevin Gile Paddlecraft, Surfing/Kiting Coastal Oregon
Tony Gile Cycling, Paddlecraft, Wildlife Viewing, Surfing/Kiting Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Marty Giles Nature/Ecology Tours, Sightseeing Tours Coastal Oregon
Dave Hanthorn Paddlecraft, Camping, Whitewater Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, and Other US States
Joshua Havelind Wildlife Viewing, Paddlecraft Coastal Oregon
Joe Hay Fishing - Ocean Coastal Oregon
David Hazen Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon
Michael Hazen Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Cooper Hedgecock Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Randy(Grant) Heise Fishing - Freshwater Central Oregon
Tia Ho Hiking, Mindfulness Coastal Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt. Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Bernie Hoene Fishing - Freshwater Willamette Valley Oregon
Bob Ivey Wildlife Viewing, Nature/Ecology Tours Coastal Oregon
Bruce W.Johnson Boating, Fishing - Freshwater, Hiking, Horseback Riding/Pack Animals, Hunting, Nature/Ecology Tours, Off-Highway Vehicle, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Snow Sports, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Logan Johnson Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon
Ryan Johnson Fishing - Ocean Coastal Oregon
Laura Joki Nature/Ecology Tours, Sightseeing Tours Coastal Oregon
Jared Jorgensen Fishing - Freshwater, Fishing - Ocean, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Alaska
Max King Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Trail Running Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, California
Tracy King Sightseeing Tours Coastal Oregon
Raymond Kolean Camping/Backpacking, Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Other U.S. States
Brian Kraynik Nature/Ecology Tours, Boating Coastal Oregon
Dave Lacey Fishing-Freshwater, Paddlecraft, Sightseeing Tours, Boating, Surfing/Kiting Coastal Oregon
Troy Leedy Fishing-Freshwater, Camping/Backpacking, Whitewater Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Marcella Lang Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Camping/Backpacking Coastal Oregon and Southern Oregon
Hannah Lewis Hiking, Snow Sports Central Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Kaitlin Lewis Camping/Backpacking, Fishing-Ocean, Food Foraging, Hiking Coastal Oregon
Rosanna Locke Guided Tours Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Josh Lusher Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon
Lisa Marie-Babb Camping/Backpacking, Cycling, Hiking, Hunting, Snow Sports, Wildlife Viewing New York
Luke Martinez Boating, Paddlecraft, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon
Marcus Mayorga Fishing-Freshwater, Paddlecraft, Whitewater Coastal Oregon, Southern Oregon
Megan Miller-Morgan Nature/Ecology Tours Coastal Oregon
Tim Miller-Morgan Nature/Ecology Tours Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
James Moore Whitewater Central Oregon,  Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Don Myers Boating, Fishing-Ocean, Fishing-Freshwater, Hunting, Photography Coastal Oregon, Southern Oregon
Captain Niles Fishing - Ocean, Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Ross Nolte gricultural Tours, Camping/Backpacking, Fishing-Freshwater, Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Snow Sports, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Vince Overland Horseback Riding/Pack Animals, Boating Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Amy Pallari Whitewater Central Oregon
Mick Pearson Camping/Backpacking, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Snow Sports Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt. Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Other U.S. States, and Other Nations
Sara Pool Camping/Backpacking, Boating, Paddlecraft, Cycling, Fishing-Freshwater, Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Rock Climbing, Snow Sports, Wildlife Viewing, Whitewater Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Nicole Rappaport Sightseeing Tours, Hiking Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Elise Reese 4-H Youth Development Willamette Valley Oregon
Megan Reese 4-H Youth Development Willamette Valley Oregon
Jason Rice Fishing - Ocean, Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Southern Oregon
Michael Roberts Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Darren Roe Fishing - Freshwater, Paddlecraft Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon
Tim Schlund Fishing - Freshwater, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon, Southern Oregon
Jeff Schmidt Nature/Ecology Tours, Sightseeing Tours Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Central Oregon
Emily Schouten Agricultural Tours, Boating, Paddlecraft, Cycling, Fishing-Ocean, Fishing-Freshwater, Food Foraging, Hiking, Photography, Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon

Nichole Shipman
Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Rod Shulley Fishing - Freshwater, Fishing - Ocean, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, and Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Stephen Shunk Sightseeing Tours, Wildlife Viewing Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Scott Siegel Paddlecraft, Nature/Ecology Tours, Surfing/Kiting, Hiking Coastal Oregon
Kim Smith Paddlecraft, Hiking, Snow Sports, Cycling Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Donovan Strasser Whitewater, Hiking, Photography Willamette Valley Oregon
Tracey Sunflower Cycling, Hiking, Snow Sports, Whitewater Willamette Valley Oregon
Michael Swamer Agricultural Tours, Paddlecraft, Cycling, Food Foraging, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Photography, Sightseeing Tours Coastal Oregon
Bill Taylor Fishing - Freshwater, Food Foraging Coastal Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Central Oregon
Justin Taylor Fishing-Freshwater Coastal Oregon
Avery Tilt 4-H Youth Development Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Colorado, Canada
Randy Turney Nature/Ecology Tours, Boating Willamette Valley Oregon
Jim Ulm Fishing - Freshwater Southern Oregon
Greg Vaughn Photography Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Other US States, Other Nations
Joseph Watkins Fishing - Ocean, Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Gordy Webster Fishing - Ocean, Fishing - Freshwater Coastal Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Kieron Weidner Fishing - Freshwater, Paddlecraft, Snow Sports, Surfing/Kiting, Whitewater, Hiking, Cycling, Agricultural Tours Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon
Grace Welden Communications, Educator Coastal Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Southern Oregon, Central Oregon, Willamette Valley Oregon, Portland & Vicinity Oregon, Mt Hood & Columbia Gorge Oregon, Coastal Oregon, Southern Oregon, Colorado
Bill Werremeyer   Coastal Oregon
Brenda Werremeyer   Coastal Oregon
Mark Wienert Food Foraging, Camping/Backpacking, Hiking, Nature/Ecology Tours, Wildlife Viewing, Hunting Coastal Oregon
Shawn Zousel   Coastal Oregon